Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Airport Security and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) E

AbstractThrough the history of aviation the importance of drome security measure has steadily increased. Since the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, many changes induce have gotn place at aerodromes to prevent such an attack from occurring again. The purpose of this paper is to outline airport security procedures, discuss the different technologies involved with airport security, as easy as examine the components of airport security. In addition I will also discuss the Transportation pledge Administrations role in our nations airport security.Airport SecurityAirport Security is a necessity of Life both in the States and through out the world. Without airport security our airports would not be able to function and terrorist attacks resembling those of September 11th, 2001, would be more common place. Passengers would be afraid to go in fear of such a terrorist attack happening again. The airline industry would slip more revenue from lost ticket sales. Then the airports t hemselves would lose money from the lack of passengers boarding through their gates. Fin in ally this lack of security would trickle down to the entire economy not only in the communities skirt the airport and aviation industry, but to the nations economy as well. To keep this economic failure associated with another terrorist attack from happening, our nation must take the appropriate measures to prevent it.Airport security procedures are designed to deter, prevent, and respond to criminal acts that may affect safety and security of the traveling public swell and Young (2004, p. 280). In order for this to happen, airports must become more proactive instead of reactive to possible threats such as hijacking, explosive devices on aircraft or any other possible criminal act that could happen aboard an aircraft. To accomplish President George W. Bush signed into effect the Aviation and Transportation security Act, on November 19th, 2001. This act was a result of the September 11th, 20 01, terrorist attacks, and from this act the Transportation Security Administration was formed. Transportation Security InformationThe purpose of the TSA is to protect all of the nations transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. Commercial aviation has been a long-standing target for terrorists. Since the tragic attacks of September 11, 2001, subst... key initiation to combination locks, to advanced identification authentication machines. Security lighting may also be used to aid in perimeter security. It is located and rough heavy traffic areas, aircraft service areas, as well as other operations and maintenance areas. Patrolling by airport security and staff as well as local law enforcement agencies may also be used to secure the perimeter around an airport.This paper has covered the many different aspects of airport security. It is important to keep in mind that procedures, regulations, and technology associated with airport security a re in a state of constant change. However, it is through these changes that our nations airports will show a steady improvement towards the safety and security of the passengers that visit them.ReferencesTransportation Security Administration. (2004, February 20). Capps II at a glance. Retrieved from Transportation Security Administration Web Site http//, A. T., & Young, S. B. (2004). Airport Security ch. 8. In L. Hagar (Ed.), Airport Planning and Management (5 ed., pp. 279-307). New York McGraw-Hill.

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