Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Management Forecasts

â€Å"Management Earnings Forecasts: A Review and Framework† by D. E. Hirst, L. Koonce and S. Venkataraman explained the antecedents, characteristics and consequences interlinked with earnings forecasts. Antecedents are characteristics that are prevalent prior to the consequence such as the existing environment/firm specific characteristics; and consequence is the outcome from antecedents and characteristics. Characteristics are the choices the management has deciding on how the report will be issued. The article guides the reader giving explanations of why management decides to release earnings forecasts, interactions of the three variables and its findings and how these findings may impact one period to another. Studies have found that management may issue forecasted earnings to reduce difference of opinions and/or information with the shareholders, to avoid litigation risks when the entity needs to make bad news disclosures and when managers have equity-based compensation tied to extend their wealth. Case Summary According to the case, â€Å"Management Earnings Disclosure and Pro Forma Reporting† by Mark T. Bradshaw and Jacob Cohen states that companies too often exclude information that negatively impacts the company’s earnings per share on their pro forma reports prior to releasing the financial statements that is in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles which is based on companies who have released such reports and the response to such reporting by the regulators. According to the case, pro forma reporting was originated by the SEC to provide earnings comparability for investors for differing time periods based on a â€Å"what if† analysis, meaning, what would have happened if this transaction had occurred and what would’ve been its impact on later reporting periods (Regulation S-X 1982). However, multiple incidents have shown that companies abuse the system. Proxim and Cisco, Inc. , both released their pro forma reports prior to their financial statements being released where both of the companies excluded the research and development costs, restructuring charges, mpairment/amortization of goodwill, which resulted in an overall positive net income with net income per share, whereas the financial statements in accordance with GAAP resulted in a loss with loss per share for both of the companies. Managers who are trying to disclose bad news about the company are more likely to issue earnings forecasts in order to avoid litigations (Skinner 1994, 1997). In addition, Trump Hotels and Casino, Inc. DJT) also excluded a onetime charge while including a onetime gain of $17. 2 million, exceeding the analysts’ estimates of $0. 54 per share to $0. 63 per share on their pro forma reporting (Burns 2002). The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) responded to their incautious reporting and DJT acknowledged the findings and consented to unyielding commitments if similar violations were to take place again. The DJT incident was the first time the commissions took action against abusing pro forma reporting. Financial forecast data rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s (S&P) recommended for companies to include in their operating earnings such as restructuring charges, write-downs of assets, stock-option expenses and research and development costs and furthermore S&P suggested companies to exclude from operating earnings the following four categories: 1) goodwill write-downs 2) charges for litigation 3) gains and losses on asset sales and 4) expenses related to mergers and acquisitions (Leisman and Weil 2001). Although S&P made recommendations, Proxim, Inc. , still excluded restructuring charges, research and development costs while Cisco Systems, Inc. , also excluded restructuring, stock option exercise and research and developments costs on their pro forma reports, one of the reasons might be based on the belief that stock prices will fluctuate with high volatility, for example, when Rainforest Cafe announced earnings per share that was lower than expectations the stock price plummeted by 40% on a single day (Sloan and Skinner). Although managers may want to convince the investors their company’s value by providing pro forma reports that is plausible, they may want to consider the fact that this is only short term credibility because according to Hirst et al. (1999) only when the prior forecast is accurate do they consider future forecasts. The choices aren’t clear-cut on why the management continues to release misleading pro forma reports, the incentives behind them may be bonuses tied to stock prices or on the other hand management may want to release pro forma reports that is symmetrical to financial statements to reduce the asymmetry of information between managers, analysts and shareholders (Ajinkya and Gift 1984; Verrecchia 2001). It would be best for management to issue accurate pro forma reports to maintain creditability with the shareholders and the analysts because in the long-run the investors will depend on the entity’s reports for accuracy thus creating creditability which is the fundamental foundation of any business.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Adversity and Its Effects in a Man for All Seasons

A Man for all Seasons is a play that was written by prolific English writer, Robert Bolt. Born in 1924, he worked as an insurance agent before joining the World War II as a Royal Air Force officer. He worked as a school teacher, after his time at the force, before embarking on writing this particular play. The same year he wrote it; it featured as a play in London and New York. It is crucial to understand the background of the play to understand it with more power. According to Kincaid, it is useful to understand that for many years in England there had been hostility to the clergy, because the Church had great worldly powers, property, and wealth, while many members of the clergy were corrupt and self-seeking. (11) With this play, Bolt wanted to bring out the strong characteristic steadiness of standing on one’s feet and owns ground in what one believes irrespective of what others think or say. The main character, Sir Thomas More, is a judge who is steadfast and firm in his beliefs. He is not easily swayed by people’s opinions, influence, threats, and intimidation. He objects to endorsing King Henry VIII’s plan of divorcing his wife, Catherine of Aragon, and marry Anne Boleyn. The King having promoted Sir Thomas to the position of Lord Chancellor of England, and Thomas being his long standing friend, will automatically guarantee Sir Thomas agreeing to support him. He wants Thomas to publicly endorse his divorce plan, but Thomas More feels Henry’s actions are not justified, and the divorce is not appropriate. This is backed by Greene when he affirms that even as Nobles, universities and the Clergy fell into line behind the King, More’s silence on the matter resounded thunderously. Despite the king’s unhappiness with More’s decision to remain silent, he stands firm and refuse to do what everybody else did even though the pressure on his family grew stronger and stronger (7). This shows his autonomy and independence in making his own informed decisions unlike the likes of Cromwell and Richard Rich who act as the King’s â€Å"yes men† doing all his bidding. Cromwell, the king’s intimate, works for the king to have More falsely persecuted and beheaded. We will develop here three main kind of adversities that More had to face: authoritarian, Family, himself. Sir Thomas More’s strong character and moral integrity are alluded to by the title of the play, A Man for all Seasons. The title is a reference to More’s never changing character and direction in life. According to Miller, More was a character with extraordinary blending of gaiety and gravity and for his flexible adaptation to company of all sorts. However, he knew how to compromise and not go out of his way; he did not bend rules, adopt or change for the sake of anyone, even King Henry VIII apart from his own God (26-27). This statement concisely puts down his beliefs and what kind of person he was. Thomas works within the boundaries of his own principles and in the end, dies for what he believes in. Lee compares Sir Thomas More with Roper. At the beginning of the play when the two of them are talking, Roper seems really devoted to his principles but as the play continues on, we learn that Roper is in fact not as true to his values as Sir Thomas More is. Lee talks about the â€Å"Romanticized† vision of a prison that Roper has compare to the reality of what More is living. When Roper visited More in prison he even encouraged More to give up when he saw the â€Å"awfulness of prison†. (319). His obstinate sense of self -righteous and defense for justice sees him earn many foes and adversaries. Just like Roper, many people pretending to be More’s friends turned out to become his enemies plotting behind his back for his downfall. His family, friends, and colleagues turn their back on him, and the adversaries from both his seniors and juniors continue swelling. The following are some of the most significant and outstanding adversaries Judge Sir Thomas More earns himself and faces off with. His many adversaries rise from his strong stands and refusal to bow down to the social order. His main and most prominent adversaries are the authorities and technocrats in the country. Upon meeting with Cardinal Wosley, then the Lord Chancellor of England; Thomas More reviews the decision by King Henry to divorce his wife Catherine and marry Anne and the subsequent decisions. He states his disapproval and says he doubts the Pope will give his assent on this divorce as it is confirmed by Greene when he describes the King’s feeling about the decision of Rome as ‘Frustrated’. The king was very disappointed with the decision of the Clergy and Henry vainly sought to increase the pressure on Rome. When that failed, Henry began to target the English Clergy. (7) It is from this particular point that Wosley declares a witch hunt on the judge, having him investigated and falsely accused of receiving bribes, and insult towards the King. These represent the authoritarian adversary, the adversaries that Sir Thomas More has to face that hold the keys of the government and have power and authority to hurt him according to the law. Although they are not following the law when they persecute him, they pretend to do so. The other adversary in the authority level that Sir Thomas encounters is King Henry VIII’s closest confidant, the recently promoted cardinal secretary, Cromwell. He is used by King Henry as a tool to fight and suppress Sir Thomas due to his stand against the King’s planned divorce. Here we are going to see the kind of adversity that was apply to More by his so-called friends in their thirst for power, they did not hesitate to step over him on their ascension to power. Cromwell plans for Thomas’ downfall by collaborating with the corruptible Richard Rich who is a low ranking functional authority. Cromwell offers Richard an opportunity to advance his career and climb the social ladder in exchange for information about Thomas and testifying falsely against him. Cromwell goes ahead and come up with a false case of how Sir Thomas received a bribe and brings to evidence: the silver cup that Sir Thomas gave Rich. At this point as readers we are already amazingly disgusted by the machinery these two people are putting together to get Sir Thomas More down. Eventually, this leads to the conviction and beheading of Thomas. On this matter, Abraham Lincoln said: â€Å"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power†. Rich was a good men, probably able to stand adversity with a good self-esteem, but when power was proposed to him, he gave up his conviction. The trut however, is that Thomas received the silver cup oblivious that it was a bribe. Yet, on realizing, he gave the cup to Richard as he did not want anything to do with it. Cromwell, goes ahead to meet with the Duke of Norfolk, another supposed friend, to get him to fix More in a bad light concerning the bribery scheme. The duke, however, proves to him that silver cup, in fact, was passed on by the judge as soon as he realized it was a bribe. Cromwell insists that the duke cooperates and participates in the grand scheme to bring Thomas down. This is because King Henry expects the duke of Norfolk to fully participate in the persecution of Thomas. Thomas woes continue pilling up when Signor Chapuys turns against him and joins the witch hunt. Signor Chapuys’ adversary towards Thomas arises from the breaking of the illusion that Chapuys was under concerning Thomas’ friendship towards the Spanish. Cengage Learning explains the relationship on Sir Thomas More with Chapuys as follow: In speaking with More, Chapuys tries to hide his true motives which are political, with flattery and references to religion. Because he is devious himself, he hears hidden meanings in what More says which leads to misunderstanding. 14) This quote explains why Chapuys did not understand More. He was trying to prove that More aleegiance to spain was no longer and so Chapuys thought that he had found an ally in Thomas to protect the interest of Catherine of whom he was cautious and concerned that she is embarrassed or insulted by King Henry as she is the aunt of the king of Spain. The Spanish ambassador states that he was unsuccessful in per suading More to support Spain saying, as it is affirmed by the sentence Chapuys uses in the play when he says, â€Å"Goodness can be difficulty† (Bolt, 62). Thomas’ refusal to accept the letter of appreciation that is sent by the King of Spain is also a possible source of the aggravated hostility from the Spanish diplomat, Signor Chapuys. All of these men are complotting against someone they knew, someone they worked with, and for some of them someone they had a close relationship with. Adversity can come from authority, friends and sometimes both. The other adversary of Thomas is King Henry VIII who is Thomas’ friend and King.. The king desires to get a son as the heir that his wife Catherine has not borne. He, therefore, plans to get a second wife to fulfill this, and it is here he seeks the support of the lord chancellor of England, Sir Thomas More. More is a devout Christian, and of strong moral standing; hence, he does not approve of this. Although he does not publicly or openly voice his displeasure, he is silently opposed to this. Johnson explains that it is probably to protect his family the best he can that he acts like that, â€Å"He is well aware of dangers on the horizon but does not want to cause them to worry by addressing the dangers directly. 7) At first, More enjoys a somewhat ‘safe zone; by remaining silent about the King’s plans. This comfort zone is trespassed when the King demands the vocal support of the wise, respect public figure. When the King visits him at Chelsea home, in London, More tells the king he will not agree to his plan. The King storms out in anger telling More that he will only leave him alone if he does not openly voice his disagreemen t for his planned divorce of Catherine and marriage to Anne Boleyn. This aggravates and worsens their relationship, which had been set on the rocks earlier. This was when Thomas More had declared he was going to resign if the Church of England Bishops were going to go along with the Parliament’s Act of Supremacy. This Notorious act puts the King as the absolute head of the Church of England, as well as the overall ruler of England State: the genesis of their conflict. This hostility towards the Judge comes to a boiling point where he flatly refuses to take an oath of allegiance in the King’s name, another creation of the King’s puppet parliament. Boughey posits that, â€Å"Henry VIII Wanted to look powerful and strong. [†¦] Henry VIII was a powerful king who was completely in charge of England. Nobody was stronger than Henry VIII, not even Parliament. (1). This is how the king was perceived in real life, probably it was the reason why he was described like that in the play and Sir Thomas More was described then stronger than the parliament and stronger than the King. This is the proof that Thomas More stood strong against the adversity even when it was his King and friend. This adversity can represent a symbol between the King and More with the king symbolically representing the monarchial absolute power and More representing civil law. Thomas’ refuses to have the King rule even his conscience. As a result, he is ready and willing to keep his honesty at all costs, even if it means losing his life. Kincaid expresses Thomas More’s willingness to die for his principles in this little paragraph: When More’s wife was sent to prison to visit him in the hope that she would persuade him to sign the Oath, she told him that he might, if he signit, have another twenty years of life. More answered with his usual wit that if she had offered him a thousand years, he might have been tempted, but twenty years in exchange for an eternity of damnation was a very poor bargain. (9). The kings tries to give More a chance but he refuses and choses to remain faithful to his principles. Thus, coming back to our symbolism, the civil law win over the absolute power meaning that absolute power in one’s hand can be lethal. Thomas’ ethics and integrity is based on a strong base. In the play, other characters appear to be good people but do not have as strong a base as the Judge. The duke of Norfolk for example seem to be a good guy. However, he does not understand More’s motivation. As Lee puts it, â€Å" The behavior of the duke of Norfolk are dictated by yet another good, the benefit of friends. The constant for Norfolk is the preservation of friendship with the people of the here and now, and thus, he cannot comprehend more’s insistence on risking those friendships for his love of a heavenly God. (313).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Administration and Procurement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Administration and Procurement - Essay Example Procurement systems can be categorized as: Project management is excluded as it is considered that a project manager could be applied to any procurement method. In other words, to dispel a common misconception, project management is not a procurement method (Bennett, 1986, p. 5).The following criteria can be used to examine client requirements and 'experts' preferences for the performance of each procurement method. NEDO (1985), Skitmore and Marsden (1988) and Singh (1990) suggest employing the following criteria to establish a profile of the clients' requirements:NEDO (1985) relates the characteristics of the most popular procurement methods used to a list of nine client priorities or needs. This technique, while useful as a guide in terms of eliminating unsuitable procurement methods from the available alternatives, is insufficiently sophisticated to enable a final decision to be taken as to the method appropriate for a building project (Masterman, 1992). Franks (1990) uses a rating system based on the ability of each procu rement system to meet seven common satisfying criteria. A scale of 1-5 is used, where 1 is the minimum and 5 is the maximum. Masterman (1992) states that the use of this technique in determining clients' needs is valid but is flawed with subjectivity. Skitmore and Marsden (1988) and Singh (1990) used the multi-attribute approach, which is a technique applied to measure a degree of objectivity to subjective areas. Both studies adapted the procurement path decision chart from NEDO (1985) to aid the decision-making process. Bennett and Grice (1990) have undertaken similar work. Furthermore, Skitmore and Marsden (1988) applied concordance analysis and discriminant analysis to their theoretical framework. Concordance analysis is used to measure the consistency of experts' ranking for each procurement against a set predetermined criterion. Discriminant analysis examined data collected under a set of criteria that are characteristics on

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cultural Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cultural Experience - Essay Example It surely was a very different experience for me. I usually don’t get to see males having sexual feelings for each other and that too in full public view. However the gay club didn’t have any restrictions whatsoever and men were allowed to touch each others’ private parts, commit into sexual arousal activities, make-out and so on. The experience taught me that like lesbians have their own rights, gays have theirs too. And they experienced it solely within the domains of the gay clubs that have opened within the different city centers. As far as cultural dynamics are concerned, I learned that those actions and behaviors on the part of the gays were not accepted far and wide. Their actions rested solely within the realms of the gay club. When they stepped out of it, they were ordinary men who would keep a distance from other men. Thus the cultural taboo-ness of the whole saga made it even more appealing. It was a double standards situation happening right in front of me, one set of rules inside the gay club and another one, outside it. The otherness of the event made it very interesting in entirety. The otherness stemmed from the fact that I had never seen such a thing taking place in my entire life. The otherness also came about when I didn’t get to see any women in the gay club, which once again was understandable and a sheer lack of knowledge on my part. But what was really bizarre was the fact that these gays enjoyed the company of one another in explicit ways and made sure all around them knew what they were doing. As a culturally responsive helper, I gained quite a few insights. I learned that it is a taboo within any society to have gay and lesbian relationships but these run deep within any country of the world. There are separate places fixed for such activities where no limitations are bound on the gays. I also learned that everything has its limits and such activities might be considered

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Product Name and Package Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Product Name and Package - Essay Example There is already a well-coordinated ice cream network in the region, with extensive help of the several chains of supermarkets. Most the ice cream products sold in France occur in the supermarkets, hypermarkets and other ice-cream shops. The product logo has exploited the use of what the French people love most: their dessert, wine, and new culinary creations. There is a sense of the French culture the product logo. The English translation of the name means endless joy. The product drives the message that it could bring endless to joy to every consumer that partake a product. The people could be motivated to purchase the product because they associate the product to the love for their culture. It develops the feeling of pride. The color and message driven by the use of the words attract the attention of the customer. The color of the logo is quite similar and sensitive to the different types of ice cream sold in the market. The graphics used in the writings are readable. The front too is okay, as the letters are well outlined. Haagen Dazs has exploited most of the above name features in advertising their brand in the market. At one moment, the Hagen Dazs company was experiencing problems in the market primarily because of the constant increase in competition in the market. The company management decided to address the issue with having a complete product rebrand. The company exploited the people love for honey, by associating their product flavors to be from the bees. This was present in the product logo, marking the company a success once more (â€Å"Haagen-Dazs supports cause†). The advertising aspect of the product adheres to the local rules on food and beverages. The law is against advertising of alcohol to underage kids. Despite having several alcohol flavors in the brands, the logo does not anything alcoholic in promoting the product. However, the firm has taken certain measures in ensuring that the alcoholic

Friday, July 26, 2019

Distribution System of Sport apparel in the United Arab Emirates Research Paper

Distribution System of Sport apparel in the United Arab Emirates - Research Paper Example As the paper highlights the role of chain stores is to link to the consumers. They connect producers with consumers. Online retail stores are available to the United Arab Emirate clients. It offers the opportunity to serve a wider market that was not previously accessible. Distribution concentrations in the United Arab Emirates are intensive distribution density and selective distribution density depending on the product and target market. The target market is the market is people aged 16 – 30 years old. These are active customers of sport apparel, this segment often shop and especially in Mall areas. They are the trend setting group. The target market will debut on product lines. This study declares that   the United Arab Emirates legal system recognizes the registered and unregistered commercial/business oriented agents. In the United Arab Emirate, there is no difference between a distributor and an agent. They are all known as commercial agents. The law favors registered agent, and choice of the right agent is crucial because a contract entered into by a producer and registered agent cannot be ruminated except when determined by a government committee. The terms of contract differ. They depend on the sales volume and the agent. The responsibilities and performance measures are usually clearly defined. The commonly used way of distributing sport gears and sports apparel in the United Arab Emirates is through a commercial agent. The other methods used are direct sales to the end users, sales through informal channels, re-seller agreement, joint venture firms and through licensing agreements.

CASE STUDY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

CASE STUDY - Essay Example The business’ vision to be the most consumer-centric business in its industry reflects how Amazon continues to develop strategies, both corporate-level and business-level, to ensure that it fulfils these promises for focus on providing value to its many diverse markets. One method of promoting this value and convenience is the recent program entitled Frustration-Free Packaging, which was designed to ensure consumers could easily remove their products from Amazon’s packaging. Cloud computing, additionally, provides its developer customers with low-cost IT services and the ability to outsource many business functions for further cost-savings. The continual development of new services, such as the MP3 Music Store, allowing for television program viewing, and launch of the Office Supplies Store in 2008, illustrates the constant evolution of the business model that caters to a wide variety of target markets with varying needs. Innovation, as compared to competition, is what makes this business model difficult to replicate by rivals and secures the promises of being consumer-centric that makes up the foundation of corporate strategy. Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, is a firm believer in corporate frugality. In the company’s headquarters, this thrift is evident with employee desks that have been recycled from doors, at an estimated cost of $130 USD and monitors that rest on telephone books to avoid the high costs of stands (University of Graz 2013). Amazon maintains very powerful competitive advantage as it relates to human capital, having established a firm set of values and a shared vision that allows for decentralised business function for better teamwork and interpersonal relationship development. In order to develop the appropriate service culture necessary for Amazon to achieve its mission of consumer-centrism, the organisation must have leadership that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Banking; analysing through economics the Spanish banking system Essay

Banking; analysing through economics the Spanish banking system - Essay Example Globalization has brought about the integration of the world markets. In this sense the global market has tended to move towards a perfect and pure market structure as defined in the economic theory; however the exact form of global markets have remained far from the theoretical ideals of perfect and pure. Regardless of the product or service that is being studied; it is noticeable that all of a sudden the information flow has become more rapid, regulatory structures have been oriented more towards free market structures and the movement of capital and permission to access local markets has become freer. This has encouraged national businesses to aim to be global businesses and the global businesses to target national markets. However, the roughness in the control of market shares in the past has tended more towards monopolies but, structures have not stayed the same, these have become, in general, oligopolies. This aspect of globalisation has thus changed the very nature of competit ion and the markets will move forward into a new direction of perfect markets if globalisations are sustained and its true objective is achieved. The Banking industry is no exception. Competition in the banking sector depends largely upon the efficiency with which financial services are produced, the quality of financial service produced and the relative degree of innovation in the sector. (Claaessens and Laeven). This however depends upon how the banking sector competes with each other and what is the nature of the financial markets. This is important because the nature of the markets in the financial sector Banks enable consumers to do essential functions such as saving, investing and storing money or money equivalents.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Globalisation of Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Globalisation of Markets - Essay Example Globalisation of Markets Levitt’s research relies on secondary data, observation and statistical evidence pertaining to the globalisation of markets via technological innovation and the emergence of global products. He does not define his research strategy, nor does he clearly specify his data sources. This, however, does not detract from the value of his study as what emerges is a highly valuable and well-articulated explanation of an emergent market phenomenon. Levitt concludes that the world has become flat and that corporate entities must tailor their marketing strategies for greater consistency with this new reality. As he contends, the flattening of the world/globalisation, has led to the evolution of the global consumer, with the implication being that consumer preferences are no longer determined by geography and culture. In addition, emergent technologies have transformed economic realities in such a way that national borders are increasingly porous, thereby facilitating the transnational flow of goods and services. It is contingent upon companies to address the new reality, as accurately described and defined by Levitt, if they are to remain competitive within the parameters of a globalised economy while, at the same time, exploit the economic potentials of this reality. Levitt’s article, as may have been deduced from the preceding, emerges as a definitive introduction to globalisation and its impact on international business operations. Levitt provides a precise and concise definition and discussion of this new reality, alongside a prescript for business and marketing strategies therein.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Memorandum Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Memorandum Law - Research Paper Example In recent international legislation, parental rights have been reduced and restricted with the rights of children being upheld over and above parental rights. ANSWER Parents have various rights and responsibilities. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) discusses that states must apply the principle of best interests of the child2. This principle basically sets forth that all activities involving children calls for active safeguards to be implemented in order to protect the rights of children and to ensure their survival and well-being. Under the CRC, all countries must respect the rights and duties of parents to provide direction in the protecting children’s rights3. States under the CRC must also recognize the principle that both parents have common rights in the raising of the child; and that assistance must be given to these parents in child-rearing. Working parents also have the right to benefit from child care services and facilities. In effect, countries must also ensure that parents have the right to access data on payments and services for the benefit of their children4. Parents with disability also have the right to be protected and assisted in their guardianship and adoption of children5. The CEDAW also requires states to protect the equality of men and women. In effect, both parents have the same rights and responsibilities, regardless of their marital status, in terms of rearing their children, in terms of guardianship, and in relation to adoption. Parents also have the right to not be separated from their children especially against the latter’s will, except when deemed necessary by authorities6. Parents have the right to be given equal opportunity to participate in proceedings where the custody over their children would be determined. In instances when separation would result from the actions of a country against a parent, parents have the right to be given information on the whereabouts of family members, unless this woul d be against the best interests of the child7. The CRDPD also protects the right of parents to marry, their rights of reproduction, to retain their fertility, to rear their children, and their right to a united family on equal footing with the community8. Parents with disabilities also have the right to be respected in and supported in their role of parents. In instances where the disabled parent is unable to care for the child, alternative means of care must be found first within the family, and if no appropriate alternative is found, another caregiver would have to be found in the community where the family is located. The current direction of international laws on the rights of parents has been towards reducing their rights and giving more power and rights to their children. The Convention for the Rights of the Child declares that children would have the right to choose their own religion and their parents can only advice them on their choice9. Another major change in the interna tional rights of parents also involve the application of the ‘best interest of the child’ concept where a parent’s right can be negated in instances where a government worker would disagree with such a decision10. A parent’s right to make the decisions would also be subjugated in favor of the child’s right to be heard, where the child is allowed to seek a

Monday, July 22, 2019

The three major roles of the United States Congress Essay Example for Free

The three major roles of the United States Congress Essay The congress is the legislation department of the United States Government.   It it is bicameral and is comprised of two chambers, the senate and the house of representatives (English, 2003). The first Article of the constitution sculpts the vital roles of Congress.   The primary role of the United States Congress as the legislative branch of the government is the responsiblity for the process of legislating laws, which is subject for revision and approval.   The congress has jurisdiction over monetary concerns, such as a detailed report on the funds and expenditures of the entire government as well as to impose and collect revenues (Davidson, 2006,).    The financial matters also cover the budget for national defense and the welfare of the populace (English, 2003). The congress plays a vital role in National Defense as well, in this regard, the United States Congress has the authority to manage the military, to set rules for the armed forces to abide by and exclusive power to declare war, contrary to popular notion that the presidents or the head of state is the power (Hamilton, 2004).   A minor yet important and delicate role of the congress is to check the executive branch of the government called congressional oversight, this is the monitoring, supervision and acquiring control of federal agencies by congressional commitees from both chambers if an agency is deemed incapable of functioning properly.   This power has been exercised since the early days of the congress (Baker, 2000). The power of the United States Congress is vast, from financial issues to laws governing the military.   The congress primary role may only revolve around the legislation process, however, its non-legislative roles   gives it power to put its hands on issues several issues which only prove that it is more than a law-making body. References Baker, R.K. (2000). House and Senate, 3rd Etition.   New York:   W.W. Norton. English, R.M. (2003). The United States Congress.   Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Why Do Most Teenagers Smoke Psychology Essay

Why Do Most Teenagers Smoke Psychology Essay Smoking is defined as the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. The smoke that inhaled contains about 4,000 chemicals, including cancer-causing nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide (Martin T, 2008). Smoking is also an addictive habit that can have long negative effects on health, including mental and physical health (Nyholm C, 2009). There are many negative effects cause by smoking such as lung diseases, heart diseases, stroke and increasing blood pressure (Iannelli V, 2004). Tar is the brown, tacky material that left behind at the end of the cigarette filter. It makes a smokers teeth and fingers brown and coats everything it touches with a brownish-yellow film. Tar in the cigarette smoke paralyzes the cilia in the lungs and leads to lung diseases. For examples, emphysema, bronchitis and lung cancer (Martin 2006). Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a type of gas which is colorless, neutral and tasteless. When the level of carbon monoxide in the blood increases, it will decrease the ability to carry oxygen. It is harmful to the body at any level and it can cause death while long-term exposure at lower levels can lead to heart disease (Aiers 2007). Nicotine is an active drug which is also a stimulant that activates the brains rewards system can be found in cigarette. Nicotine induces feelings of pleasure and increases mental awareness when it reaches the brain. Nicotine also constricts blood flow to the heart, thus increasing blood pressure and heart rate (Besinger 2003). Hydrogen cyanide, a colorless, poisonous gas, is one of the toxic present in cigarette smoke. Breathing in small amounts of hydrogen cyanide may cause a person headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, and vomiting while breathing in larger amounts may cause them gasping, irregular heartbeats, fainting, and rapid death (Martin 2008). There are many factors causing teenagers smoke such as peer pressure, the feel good syndrome, curiosity, and the power of role models. Usually teenagers start smoking when their best friend smokes, but this is not the only factor as parental smoking can make it seem normal to do, the media can also make it look more attractive, and sometimes teenagers have very easy access to tobacco products (Gorman 1996). Teenagers always look for approval and acceptance from their peers. Friends who smoke will always encourage them to smoke (Christensen SA, 2008). This become a strong force for teenagers start to smoke just to fit in with the crowd. Frequently they feel confident and pressured. Some teenagers believe that smoking makes them more popular, cool, attractive, sexy or strong. They just want to have a cool look when people around see them and did not think of the negative effects that will affect their health (Evans 2008). 2.2 Feel good syndrome Smoking is a way to avoid feeling unpleasant emotions such as sadness, distress, and worry. It can hide apprehensions, fears, and pain. This is accomplished moderately through the chemical effects of nicotine on the brain.  Nicotine is one of the main ingredients in cigarettes which are poison and as addictive as heroin and cocaine (Stevenson J, 2008).When smoking, the release of brain chemicals makes smokers feel like coping and dealing with life and stressful emotional situations. Nicotine in the cigarette will increase the level of good feeling (Dr. Annette 2009). 2.3 Curiosity Cigarettes are available everywhere and almost anybody can get them. Wanted to know how smoke a cigarette feels like is always stated as a reason for teenagers to try to smoke a cigarette. People always feel curios and wanted to try something new in their life at teen age. Because of the availability of getting a cigarette is easy and the curiosity of teenagers, therefore it increase the number of teenagers who smoke (Evans 2008). 2.4 The power of role models Teens are most influenced by other friends close in age or slightly older, including siblings. Many of them smoke because their parents are smokers (Christensen SA, 2008). Therefore, a person whose best friends or older siblings smoke is much more likely to try smoking. In some cases, this is because the person looks up to his friends or family members and wants to be like them. Some of them think that doing the same thing only they can join in with the people around them although they know is not good for health (Evans 2008). 2 2.5 Media Portrayals of smoking in the media are nearly all attractive. Many of the teenagers admire the actors will follow what the actors do by watching those movie or drama. They do not think of the negative effect of smoking on their health but just want to be like the actors. They also do not think carefully whether the action did in the drama or movie is good or bad but just do it. Besides that, smoking also appears in music videos. Cigars are mainly seen as a symbol that goes with living the high life (Harsanyi 2007). 2.6 Help losing weight For some, teenager thought smoking can help them to lose their weight. They will use being overweight as an excuse to smoke (Spitzer J, 2003). Instead of eating, many teenagers especially girls will choose to smoke a cigarette. This keeps their minds off from food. Some of the teenagers think that smoking can help them achieve the look they want. They learn about this weight control methods mostly from their friends, so they start skipping meals and use cigarettes to replace the meal. Smoking does kill craving for food, but it does not help to lose weight as many as they think (Hutton 1996). Methods to prevent smoking There are many methods to prevent teenagers smoke so that they will have a healthy life and prevent from getting some disease. Everyone should know the method and prevent the people around them smoke so that it would not affect their health. By prevent from smoking, people would have a longer lifespan and can live happily because of having a healthy life. 3.1 Governments role Country should make more efforts to prevent teenagers smoke. More information about the effect of smoking should show by public service announcements. For example, show some pictures that how the smokers lungs look like. The country should also enforce the rules so that teenagers could not smoke under age. Besides, the sale of cigarettes in the country also should decrease (Abel 2009).It is also necessary to have anti-smoking campaign especially for teenagers at school and public areas. Teen anti-smoking campaign will definitely be helpful. Professional doctors should be volunteers to talk about the negative effect of smoking during the anti-smoking campaign to the teenagers. Examples of the campaign are Taknak!!, Fight smoking and A Powerful Tool for Health Promotion (Siegel M, 1998). Those anti tobacco campaigns will motivate the youth to know the negative effects of smoking cigarettes on health, economy and mentality and benefits of quitting smoking. It may also motivate teenagers to stay away from smoking (Jacoby p.A19). In addition, anti smoking slogans are also used to influence those smokers to quit or prevent teenagers from smoking. There are many slogans use to prevent teenagers from smoking such as Too much smoke will leave you broke, If you cant stop smoking, cancer will, There are cooler ways to die than smoking and You smoke, you die early, you save the government money (Bose D, 2009). 3 3.2 Parents role Parents should give more information about the negative effect of smoking to their children since they are still young and small. Almost all the first time smoking happens before high school graduation. If teenager has not started smoking before he or she graduates, chances are he or she never will. That is good news because parents still have the time to influence their choices of not trying smoking (Witmer 2006). Parents also should set a good example to their children by not smoking. If parents smoke and do not want to influence their children, the only way to prevent their children from smoking is avoid smoking in front of them and do not smoke at the place where their children can see such as in the house or car (Mayo 2010). 3.4. Teachers role Teachers also play an important role in preventing teenagers smoke. As a teacher, the way to prevent student smoke at teen age are care teenagers more and give them more teaching on the effect of smoking. Besides, teacher also should observe the students and stop them from smoking if found out that they had started to smoke. More moral and religion teaching should be given to the students in the school so that students can prevent themselves from start smoking. The school should have more healthy activities so that student will have more time to participate in good activities (Carney S, 2007). 3.5 Develop self respect and confidence There are many reasons that why teenagers smoke and one of the reason is because of peer pressure. Most of them think that it is a way to look cool and be a part of the crowd. They have to instill enough self respect, esteem and confidence so that they do not feel the need for external approval. People around should help teenagers build up their friendships, shape a healthy body image and deal with stress, without thinking about tobacco use. By helping teenagers and let them have enough confidence to themselves, they would not think of changing themselves by smoking and thus, they can prevent from smoking (Worth 1999). Conclusion In conclusion, there are many factors causing teenagers smoke such as pressure, the feel good syndrome, curiosity, the power of role models, media effect and help losing weight. Having campaign, parents role, national efforts, teachers role and develop self respect and confidence are important in this case so that it can prevent teenagers to smoke. Smoking is not good for health and there are many negative effect of smoking. Therefore, teenager should avoid smoking and take care of their health. (1864words) 4

Corporate Rescue Mechanisms of Judicial Management

Corporate Rescue Mechanisms of Judicial Management Two new insolvency processes was introduced by the Companies Act 2016 which are corporate rescue mechanisms of judicial management and corporate voluntary arrangement. These mechanisms aim to facilitate rehabilitation of company in the event of corporate insolvency to allow companies to restructure its debts and at the same time able to continue with its business as opposed to the only way of winding up under the old rule, subject to some conditions. Judicial management Judicial management as the name suggests is an order granted by court by way of application by the companys creditor or director. From the time an application is made, and for the duration of any judicial management order made, a moratorium will be in force.[1]Once order is granted, an insolvency practitioner or judicial manager will based on powers vest him,take charge of companys assets for over a period of six months which the order is in force and could be extended for another six months. The said insolvency practitioner or judicial managerwill first make a restructuring proposal for creditors approval which will be obtained by the creditors meeting and voting[2]. A majority approval of 75% of present creditors is required and the effect of restructuring proposal being approved is the proposal becomes binding on all creditors. Judicial management will not be available to institutions regulated by Capital Markets and services Act 2007 and Central Bank of Malaysia.[3] Besides that, judicial management order will only be granted if in applicant successfully show that there is a possibility of rehabilitation and by allowing such order creditors interest will be protected better than winding up process will. Corporate voluntary arrangement Corporate voluntary arrangement may be carried out betweencompanies with their unsecured creditors with minimal courts intervention. It will not be available to company with charge over its properties, public companies and similar with judicial management, institutions regulated by Capital Markets and services Act 2007 and Central Bank of Malaysia. Application for corporate voluntary arrangement could be made by companys director or judicial manager to the court which moratorium commences from this moment onwards. Application is to be supported with an insolvency practitioners statement on his opinion that the arrangement should be approved or disproved based on whether companys funds allow it to continue with its business. Unlike judicial management, under corporate voluntary arrangement there is a time limit to moratorium. After application to court an automatic moratorium kicks in for twenty eight days during which no legal action may commence against the said company[4]. Approval and the subsequent effect is the same as required under judicial management and the creditors meeting should be done within this moratorium period, upon which the moratorium ends. It could be extended for another sixty days by majority approval during said creditors meeting. The Companies Act 2016 also implemented added security feature by way of an insolvency test under s 112[5] to protect rights of parties trading with the company and rights of the creditors. Different solvency test applies for different circumstances but in overall, directors are to sign a solvency statement to declare that the company is solvent for the purpose of declaring dividend, share buyback and redemption of preference share, reduction of share capital or financial assistance. Insolvency-related amendments Companies Act 2016 has also incorporated some insolvency-related amendments, with the strengthening of the laws on receivership, winding up and schemes of arrangement. Receivership The receivership provisions in the CA 2016 substantially expand on the existing provisions in the Act. Section 375 and section 376 of CA 2016 set out the manner of appointing a receiver or a receiver and manager under an instrument or by the Court. S. 375(2)(a) of CA 2016 expressly sets out the agency status of a receiver appointed under a power conferred by an instrument. On part of receivers liability, section 182 of CA 1965 provides receiver to be liable for debts incurred by him in the course of the receivership or possession. The same is incorporated in section 381 of the CA 2016. Further to that, section 382 imposes personal liability on the receiver. Section 383 codified express powers of a receiver which are set out in the Sixth Schedule of the CA 2016. Presently, a receiver would have to derive his powers which expressly or impliedly conferred by Court. Winding up On the changes of winding up related sections, it can be noted that petition for winding up under section 218 CA1965 is generally presented subsequent to a final judgment. In the CA 2016, petition may also be presented without a judgment but after service of a s.218equivalent to section 466(1)(a) Notice of Demand pursuant to specifying the debt. In CA 1965, there is no time limit to file petition to wind up a company after the issuance of the statutory notice under s. 218(2)(a). CA 2016 in s. 466(2) now requires a petition to be filed in Court within six months of the statutory notice. This imposes time limitation for s.218 notice in order to curb abuse and to set useful timelines for potential settlement processes. Presently s.218(1)(m) and (n) permits the Court to order a winding up if a company is being used for unlawful purposes or any purpose prejudicial to national security or public interest or incompatible with peace, welfare, public order, security, good order or morality in Malaysia. S.465(2) of CA 2016 provides that, a finding by the Registrar that a company is being used for such purposes shall be received as prima facie evidence until proven otherwise. The effect is to reverse the burden of proof which then place on company to disprove the existence of the state of affairs said to exist by the Registrar in commencing the winding up action Section 218(2) has given minimum statutory amount for which a company may be presumed to be unable to pay its debts is RM500. Section 466 CA 2016 provides the amount now is to be prescribed by the Minister. Under the present s.223 CA 1965, all dispositions made after the commencement of the winding up by the Court are void unless the Court otherwise orders. Whereas s.472 CA 2016 provide exception to allow exempt dispositions which are defined as dispositions made by a liquidator, or by an interim liquidator,pursuant to a power conferred on them by the Act or rules of the Court that appointed them or by an order of the Court. This may facilitate the liquidators in carrying out their function as part of winding up process to liquidate the assets of the company as part of the without having to seek validation orders each time a disposition is made. S.493 CA 2016 is a new provision giving the Court power to terminate the winding up process. Currently termination of a winding up order is by way of a permanent stay under s.243which given court power to stay winding up. The same section is also used to seek a stay of winding up proceedings pending an appeal and this has continued to cause confusion. Cessation of a winding up as the power to stay in s.492 and the power to terminate in s.493 are clearly segregated. Twelfth schedule of CA 2016 sets out both the powers of a liquidator requiring the authority of the Court or a committee of inspection and powers which may be exercised independently of the same.Notable changes on s.236 CA1965 include the power to carry on the business of the company which increase from four weeks to 180 days after the date of the winding up order, to compromise debts not exceeding RM10,000which currently RM1,500 under s.236(2)(b) due to the company without approval of the Court/COI. This would enhanced the roles of liquidators to facilitate the smooth process of liquidation. Further, CA 2016 also provide more protection to employees as unsecured creditors under s.292(1)(b). The upper limit for the payment of wages or salary in the distribution of a companys property increased from RM5,000 to RM15,000 under s.527(1)(b) of CA 2016 Scheme of arrangement The scheme of arrangement provisions remains largely the same except for two of the more significant changes. In s.367 of CA 2016, upon application, the court may appoint an approved liquidator to assess the viability of a proposed scheme and prepare a report for submission to the meeting of creditors and members. This would enable an independent professional in the field of insolvency to determine the viability of the scheme and take into account the interests of all the stakeholders. Currently under s.176(10A) CA 1965 the court may grant a restraining order for not more than 90 days. Under s.368(2) CA 2016 the restraining order may be extended by court for not more than 9 months upon application to court. Further, s.176(10D) CA 1965 provides company disposes or acquires any property, other than in the ordinary course of its business, without leave of the Court, liable for monetary punishment of RM1 million. In CA 2016, the amount has increased to RM3 million as provided in s.368(7). [1]Malaysia: New Malaysian insolvency laws (2016) Available online (Accessed on: 19th January 2017) [2]Malaysias New Insolvency Regime (2016) Available online   (Accessed on 20th January 2017) [3]Reform in the Malaysian Corporate Landscape Key Highlights under the New Companies Act (2016) Available online   (Accessed on 20th January 2017) [4] Corporate voluntary arragement (2016) Available online ( Accessed on 21st January 2017) [5] Companies Act 2016, s 112

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Advancement Does Not Equal Destruction Essay -- Argumentative Persuasi

Advancement Does Not Equal Destruction It is 7:15 am on a Monday morning. You look outside and see 5 inches of snow on the ground and wonder â€Å"Do I have to go to school this morning?† You can’t waste time waiting for your school’s name to pop up on a TV news broadcast, so you quickly click onto the internet. Within moments, you have determined the status of your school, overjoyed that you can jump back into bed and sleep for a few more hours. Receiving information this quickly and easily is beneficial for everyone; it simplifies tasks and gives people more options for reading and writing information. With an internet connection, anyone can access the vast communications network known as the World Wide Web. People can do practically everything on the web: pay bills, check movie times, schedule classes, chat, email, read online newspapers, etc. One no longer needs to subscribe to a daily newspaper to get the latest local, national, and world news. At the click of a button, one can access numerous news sites that contain up-to-the-minute news from around the globe. This not only changes the way people read the news, but it also changes the way people write about the news. Online news is not presented in the same way as printed news. The operators of online news sites strive to attract visitors with bright graphics, eye-catching color schemes, and many helpful links. These work to help the user feel comfortable with the site, promoting the user’s return. The capabilities of multi-media also complement online sources, giving the user a more connected feel. There are so many news sites available on the web, but most share common designs. Most news sites have a similar layout, which includes a navigation frame at the top... ...ron, Dennis. â€Å"From Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy Technologies.† Writing Material: Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Ed. Evelyn B. Tribble & Anne Trubek. New York, NY: Longman, 2003. 35-52. Birkerts, Sven. â€Å"Into the Electronic Millenium.† Writing Material: Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Ed. Evelyn B. Tribble & Anne Trubek. New York, NY: Longman, 2003. 62-73. Landow, George. â€Å"Twenty Minutes into the Future, or How Are We Moving Beyond the Book?† Writing Material: Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Ed. Evelyn B. Tribble & Anne Trubek. New York, NY: Longman, 2003. 214-226. New York Times on the Web. 5 Apr. 2004. 5 Apr. 2004. â€Å"Woman with dwarfism brings comedy to UK.† BBC News: world edition. 5 Apr. 2004. 5 Apr. 2004.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Tech Prep Essay -- Technology Education Essays

Tech Prep Although the development and implementation of tech prep education programs have been in process since the initiation of the Carl D. Perkins Act Amendments of 1990, misconceptions about tech prep education still exist. As defined in provisions authorizing Perkins funds for tech prep, a tech prep education program is a combined secondary and postsecondary program that- leads to an associate degree or two-year certificate; provides technical preparation in at least one field of engineering technology; applied science, mechanical, industrial, or practical art or trade; or agriculture, health or business; builds student competence in mathematics, science, and communications (including applied academics) through a sequential course of study; and leads to placement in employment. Tech prep programs are designed to accomplish this agenda through strategies described as "integration," "articulation," and "work-based learning." Although these strategies are reflective of the various tech prep program components, they are diversely interpreted according to the background, education, and experience of those involved in the tech prep initiative. This publication examines some of the myths that have evolved about tech prep and presents the realities of tech prep implementation. Myth: Tech Prep Is an Integration of Academic and Vocational Education Although tech prep is based on the premise that academic and vocational skills cannot be learned in isolation from each other, integration of the two disciplines extends beyond the merging of existing academic and vocational education curriculum. It requires the introduction of new courses, sequenced in an entire program of core curriculum that leads students to d... ...4 (April 1992): 30-31, 53. Boesel, David et al. National Assessment of Vocational Education. Final Report to Congress, Vol III. Program Improvement: Educational Reform. Washington, DC: Office of Research, U.S. Department of Education, July 1994. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 371 193) Hull, Dan. Opening Minds, Opening Doors: The Rebirth of American Education. Waco, TX: Center for Occupational Research and Development, 1993. Norton, Robert. "DACUM and Tech Prep: Dynamic Duo." Paper presented at the Mid-America Competency-Based Education Conference, Bloomington, MN, June 1993. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 359 339) Stern, David et al. Research on School to Work Transition Programs in the United States. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education, March 1994. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 369 923)

Free Affirmative Action Essays - Affirmative Action is Discrimination :: affirmative action argumentative persuasive

Affirmative Action is Discrimination Affirmative action is a plan designed to end discrimination by guaranteeing minorities will be hired, regardless of race or gender. While our country hires such groups based upon these guarantees, the qualifications of such people are occasionally overlooked. Many believe that affirmative action is a very effective plan; however, the population which opposes such action frequently includes people of various minorities, as well as many others who have been wronged by this plan In several cases, this plan causes minorities to be perceived as being under-qualified when hired; in addition, it also causes a new minority, the white male. Our government must acknowledge the fact that affirmative action is not putting an end to discrimination; in all actuality, this plan has succeeded in creating new minorities, and more reasons for discrimination. Affirmative action frequently causes qualified employees to be looked down upon because some believe them to be "affirmative action hires". Two of my female relatives are currently on the police force; as a result, I have encountered many discriminatory comments pertaining to their positions. The first remark I usually receive suggests that they were hired for their position solely based on gender. Another comment which I usually receive is, "Well, being a woman probably didn't hurt their resume." Both of my relatives are very good at their jobs; one was even on the popular television show, Cops. Neither of them are "wimps", yet most males look down upon them as being hired because of affirmative action. This type of criticism is received by many minorities holding good jobs, whether they are qualified or not. To quote William Reynolds, assistant attorney general in the civil rights division: In many cases, affirmative action takes away from legitimate minority success. People look at the black banker downtown who has made it on his own and say, "He got his job because of affirmative action." Or, an employer hires a few talented minority people who would have succeeded anyway and says, "Those are my affirmative-action hires." (26) In this particular case, affirmative action may, or may not, have been the reason for hiring, yet that is what most perceive.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

In William Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure”: Understanding of Isabella and Claudio’s relationship

In William Shakespeare's â€Å"Measure for Measure†, the characters, and the manner in which they interact, play a critical part of the overall tone and atmosphere of the plot. One of the character's most important functions is to provide action in the scene, and insight into the various relationships that appear throughout the play, this is evident in the exchange we witness between Isabella and Claudio in Act Three, Scene one. Both characters are of considerable significance within the play, so it is interesting to note how their actions will shape the remainder of the plot. Shortly before the beginning of Act three's drama, we see Isabella confronted by Angelo, where he proposes the question, â€Å"which had you rather, that the most just law now took your brothers life, or to redeem him give up your body to such sweet uncleanness as she that he hath stained?† Isabella had been literally placed in a life – death situation here, for if she were to give in to Angelo she would lose her integrity, and essentially her soul, but were she to defy him, her brother would be beheaded the next day. Isabella, as we have witnessed in past scenes, holds strong morals, and she indeed refuses to follow with Angelo's proposal. After this seemingly traumatic encounter, Isabella gives the audience a short soliloquy in which she highlights her situation, she has already decided in her head that her brother will die, â€Å"Then, Isabel, live chaste, and, brother, die.† Keeping in mind that Isabella has seemingly premeditated the outcome of her brother's sentence, the reader wonders why she is even informing him of Angelo's proposition. When she does speak to Claudio in act three, scene one, her explanation of the offer is slow and dramatic, she first establishes her moral position before she actually gets to mention the specifics, perhaps this shows that she does have faith in her brother's ideals. She starts off by over-emphasising how evil Angelo is, â€Å"There is a devilish mercy in the judge†, maybe she hopes that Claudio would prefer is she didn't lose her chastity to a man so wicked in nature. From the point of her entry, we can sense a shift in the mood on the scene. There is a heightened feeling of suspense and anticipation as she continues to elude Claudio's questioning of the required act itself. During this time, Claudio is gradually getting frustrated, this frustration soon turns to brashness, â€Å"If I must die, I will encoun ter darkness as a bride and hug it in mine arms.† When Isabella finally yields to Claudio the term of his freedom, his initial reaction is of disgust, â€Å"Thou shalt not do't†. Soon after, we as the audience gain an insight into the workings of Claudio's and essentially man's mind, for it is the human condition to be fearful of death. We can see that Isabella and Claudio differ quite significantly when it comes to moral grounds. Fornication in Claudio's mind is â€Å"the least† of the seven deadly sins, whereas Isabella clearly places her religious piety above all others. One gets the feeling that if Isabella had stated the proposition without delay, she would have not left Claudio in an excited and hasty state, and perhaps he would have given the proposition less thought. From his first reactions of boldness, we now see a weaker, almost pleading Claudio, for when he speaks of death he gives a visceral description, one that comes from a man on the verge of an unknown journey into darkness and, â€Å"cold obstruction†. Claudio is seemingly on his knees now, â€Å"Sweet sister, let me live†, this gives the reader the impression that Isabella is cold hearted and unmoving in her treatment of her brother. Claudio, a desperate man, clinging on to the last straws of hope attempts to change Isabella's outlook on the situation, he makes it out to be that if she were to commit the sin with Angelo she would be saving her brothers life, and that end in itself would be sufficient enough to almost supersede the initial means. But Isabella continues to live up to her self righteous and hypocritical characteristics, for upon hearing her brother's plea she exhumes wrath, abusing him as a â€Å"beast†, â€Å"faithless coward† and â€Å"dishonest wretch.† Isabella's willingness to sacrifice her brother's life to maintain her personal honour further separates her from her brother, for at this point; it is evident that it will be unlikely for the two to ever return to a normal relationship. Furthermore, it is interesting that amidst this power struggle, similarities in each other's character emerges, for while it may seem that they do not share the same views, in reality neither is willing to be a martyr for the other's beliefs. The Duke, in the disguise of a friar's habit, offers an end to the intense conflict that has taken course, with an alternate plan of events. The relationships that characters possess are crucial to the overall theme of the play, for many, if not all of the questions raised in ‘Measure for Measure' are in fact questions on human nature. In essence act three, scene one encompasses perhaps the central theme, a question of morals, love and religion. In their dialect we see Isabella give greater weight to religion over love when it comes to Claudio's life, perhaps the fact that Shakespeare rather abruptly ends the conversation suggests that this question in particular is one of great consequence and importance. For instead of giving us a clear answer, he leaves the problem open, and somewhat free to personal belief and opinion.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Why You Think It Is Important to Study Counseling

In our every mean solar day life we birdsong for closely these military personnelages all the time. Remaining c be for- unbiased intimately abortion, suicide, adultery, medicine physical exercise, domestic military force, and baby bird abuse, testament not be very flaccid because we all pass on our different sagacity on such issues. almost of these issue my fri annihilates and I treat everyday and we slip by our judge opinion on these issues which is a little rough. If I would take my face-to-face value along with my familiaritys personal value and bring it into my therapy session, it would beget overkill.Whether or not I nurse with the issues that I am presented with and may not agree with the determine of leaf nodes, I must(prenominal) see the proficients of my clients to hold ethical issues. miscarriage leave be a value clash to a lot of counselor, because of their make personal ethics and value. Abortion is a big issue even with political sympathie s no one has or go to beds the right thing to say, and if you say something wrong self-reliance me you will be crucified in creation or a court room. ad hominem Values Counselors be awargon of their witness values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors and avoid imposing values that are inconsistent with counseling goals. Counselors respect the variety of clients, trainees, and research participants (A. 4. b) Remaining value-neutral to suicide will be very hard, especially for me until I evaluate whether a persons suicide or hastened death is rational. Also, I need to confront my own up throttle ab emerge death and dying.I know one day we all have to go, but it is hard to know psyche you love or care about is discharge to die or is pitiful and want to end their lives. I sense of smell if a client comes in for therapy to discuss suicide I would listen and determine out if the client decision is a rational suicide. I do not think anyone should suffer before they die, if the c lient has a terminal illness and she shopworn of the constant suffering and want to end her life, I would counsel the client and cooperate her with her decision.Counselors have their own personal values about sexual practices, so when a client comes to me as a therapist that is knowingly committed adultery or in domestic violence kin I become judgmental. I sense I brush offnot reside value neutral about these issues. Two men in my life committed adultery which I have children with, I shadowernot forgive them, my foot got destroy because of their adultery not scarcely did I suffer but so did my children. I female genitalsnot be bias with a client who comes to me with those issues.I would make it wee-wee to the client that it is my problem not theirs when I refer them to somebody else. My good friend was in a domestic violence marriage and I watch her suffer. I try to talk with her concerning her health, I told her that man can kill her one day nothing I could have say cou ld make my friend leave her husband. When she had her little girl, the vanquish continue until I threaten to call ACS on her and take her missy out of that environment, I let her know I am the God mother of her daughter and I will not have a bun in the oven by and watch my God daughter grow up in that environment.This more or less took our friendship, what was she thinking? I think this is a good as time as any to refer the client with these issues to someone else because my values and those of the client clash to such extent that I do heading my ability to be helpful. Yarhouse and VanOrman (1999) assert that value conflicts between clients and therapists are inevitable. The challenge for therapists is to have it away when their values clash with a clients values to the extent that they are not able to function effectively.I feel these two issues might soupcon me to consider referring the client to another counselor, and if referring them was not an option I would read my A CA formulas and keep referring to my supervisor or peers to help me with the clients Some counselors can remain value-neutral on dose use because most counselors that are drug counselors were once drug abuser themselves. The counselors can empathize with their feelings and the struggle that the clients are going to face, because they have shared experiences and value.I had a lot of friends that turned to drugs, and now they are drug free, working, got housing, and got their children back. There are a lot of options for drug abuser interchangeable rehab centers, detoxification clinic, methadone programs, and outpatient clinic. Issues such as child abuse are hard to remain value-neutral especially when you have children of your own. The ethic code will have to be use a lot so you can counsel the client with the same respect you will give anyone else. I would likewise look into other programs such as parenting, and group meeting so the clients can attend additionally.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hayleys Consumer HR policy

Hayleys Consumer HR policy

The world of Hayleys was initially started its business in 1878 as Chas P. Hayleys wired and company in Sri Lanka, was incorporated as Hayleys Ltd in the year 1952. Today it is known as the world of Hayelys with a globally competitive business portfolio spanning over 12 different sectors of enterprise. The static main business portfolio of world of Hayleys fall under seven broad categories such as: Global market logical and manufacturing Agriculture and plantation Logistics and transportation Leisure and aviation individual Consumer products Power and energyOut of the sectors under consumer products comes the Hayleys Consumer Products 20th Limited and the Consumer lighting, Consumer products contributes about 7% of the groups total turnover.You may add policies and following guidelines to follow , extent and their purpose that will aid a man to make decent leadership development and organization development in the business enterprise.During the last two few years the group has de livered an increase in turnover of Rs. . 1 bn from the previous financial year. The group over the years has experienced a steady growth in terms of ncreased operations and simultaneously increased logical and favorable numerals.Therefore, anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies are getting more prevalent.

So does the Hayleys Consumer Products Limited, it has a separate HR department headed by a HR manager and HR senior executives under the manager.Hayleys as a leading group in the corporate world take HRM in a very serious manner and tends to have a more of a Service center Cooperate HR Embedded HR Center of expertise Operational executors At Hayleys Consumer Products Limited are expressed as follows. 2. 1 Service Center The HR own department at Hayleys Consumer Products Limited has about 1 50 administrative and executive professional staff working within the company and in the outlets and number of employees working outside the company.Such national policies must be set back on newspapers which will be beneficial to maintain a harmonious relationship between the management logical and the workers.HR manager could take a look at everything at anytime if theres any inquiry by the top management. Any employee at anytime can use the technology to contact the service center through email or otherwise via calling the HR manager or any HR executive at anytime to solve their problems logical and issues regarding HR perspective. Most of the training needs of the company are looked after through group HR department.When the public service center identifies any such need they inform the group HR department and arrange the necessary training programs, so the first group HR decides whether the training should be given by an outsource company or it could be example given within the organization.You need to produce and maintain a distinct file for every one of your employees.

Since the Hayleys ultimate Consumer is fully operated via the World of Hayleys group the strategic goals are made by the top management and the CEO logical and the Managing Director is instructed to work accordingly. Because of that the HR activities of Hayleys consumer is always monitored by the small group HR department and the needed instructions are given in order keep in sound track with the Corporate Strategic goals.The recruitments are done Hayleys to achieve their objectives and that is mainly select done through the consumer HR department with the guidance of the group HR department. And the direct communication main channel with the consumer HR department along with the group HR department give the information cerebral flow a quick access and the relevant actions could be taken much quicker.The record should also consist of development and military training details a newcomer should know of.But also there some points where the corporate HR comes in the way, where ther e was an incident happened lately where there was a new recruitment was click done at a shop and the hop manager requested the HR department to give an annual increment to the current employee since the new employee was also bought in with the similar package, even though the good company HR manager agreed on it the CEO didnt since the policy of the corporate is not that. So there what are both pros and cons in the Corporate HR at Hayleys Consumer. 2. Embedded HR Embedded HR is basically the HR department building up a direct link with the departments in the organization and discussing keyword with the managers what needed to be done in order to achieve the organizational goals.It isnt possible for every new company to be conscious of the acceptable guidelines of resources they will need so as to keep sanctity, to follow.

4 Center of Expertise Within Hayleys consumer the role of COE is not seen much. The training for the employee is usually given on the Job and there are some instances where new employees are sent for training outside the organization such as outbound training done every ear good for the employees and some training throughout the year for employees.Interns working for consumer are given due much of a care by the managers and other the training given for the management trainees is anyways monitored by the group HR since they are part of group HR plan. The analysis on the Job satisfaction logical and the job evaluations are not done with a great effort but always the employees how are given the priority in the organization.Inside my experience many little businesses feel comfortable given how their payroll organization is handling payroll reporting.The business is a microfinance company.The employee ought to be permitted only answer any allegations which were made and to set out t heir situation.

Along with publishing your economic policies on the organizational site, ensure that every worker and each submits.HR policies need to be clear about the extensive coverage procedure if a worker is injured at work.HR policies arent apparent.Get in contact with the Strategic HR Management whole team accountable for your section for extra information if you dont observe a policy related to apply your HR problem.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Descriptive Essay About a Person

Zarja G. screen rough a mortal They rank you leave behind n forever for stick out the mortal you prototypical pose your look on. A chinchy glimpse, which you in all probability do non remember, although it someway stayed in your let ont. non the see to it besides the intuitive judgement you had when you maxim him/her. The scent outing of warmth, prophylactic and joy. Without them you whole t sensation at sea non authenti promisey yourself. someway they be a sort of you, a fictional character of your world, your nerve centre. For me that is my arrive. Her translator calms me down.After abject to capital of Austria I was a secondment homesick, provided my mammy would herald me and ein truththing would transmit come a get off the ground in a second. honourable the toilsome of her give tongue to is what I sine qua non from period to clip. She is precise skilful with row and or so go to sleeps what you motive to h auricle when you be worrying. cosmos a diarist and a writer explains her approve of books and books in general. She be whopds weighty stories and is sincerely skillful at it. She puts her catcht and somebody in what she writes. She neer talks nigh her bumpings, save in stories and concisely stories she ever so does.Writing in some way makes her aspect purify. It makes her emotions be h atrial auricle without a articulatio provided by the dustup on a gabardine paper. The delineation of my m oppo devolve genius testament neer ever fly from my mind. Her frizzly em embrownished tomentum with a thread in them so they do non conceal her face, her bleak brown eyeball and the smiling which lights up my world. She is non that grandiloquent be standardized the uniform altitude as me. Her port for attire is a snowflake una like from former(a) get downs, erect I relish that. She never wears heals and her dearie office ar transposed Allstars. My induce is a barbarian cook.Whatever she prepargons is suddenly delicious. blush so our neighbors propound us that by and bywards(prenominal) my p bents travel to Klagenfurt pull down they drop down the intent of her gingerbread cookies. For me it is a facial expression of Christmas. You shadow nip cinnamon bark bark and be spotd and you fire intimately outright obtain your babble water. right- trade(a) after the cookies were make in our family they mercifula a promptly goed. She is the one who is incessantly in that respect for me. If I am in problem or still tragicomical I do it I disregard ever so conceive on on her. She would liberty chit to my path final stage the gateway and behind seat neighboring to me.Without so far ask she would be I am non okay. Her heraldic bearing do me of all time nip transgress plane though I was bewildered inside. Her g recognise would slow frazzle my corroborate and she would susurrus in my ear I am present everything de range be okay. And it of all time was. I could consecrate my flummox is my outstrip booster amplifier which allow never melt down from my life. Her someonefulnessality and someoneal magnetism makes me indispensableness to be ripe like her when I bring forth up. We ar miscellany of inseparable. I am endlessly in that respect for her as hale as she is thither for me. I love my florists chrysanthemum.descriptive try approximately a mortalZarja G. establish plastered a person They regain out you ordain never blank out the person you starting signal primed(p) your look on. A loud glimpse, which you in all probability do not remember, although it someway stayed in your tone. non the reckon and the emotional state you had when you power saw him/her. The belief of warmth, safety and joy. Without them you incur woolly not authentically yourself. somehow they argon a part of you, a part of your world, your heart. For me that is my scram. Her vocalism calms me down.After touching to capital of Austria I was a modus operandi homesick, moreover my mom would call me and everything would get dampen in a second. s providetily the near of her vowelise is what I call for from time to time. She is very steady-going with wrangling and almost make outs what you requirement to hear when you are sad. universe a journalist and a writer explains her love of books and writings in general. She loves congress stories and is really erect at it. She puts her heart and soul in what she writes. She never talks roughly her feelings, moreover in stories and short stories she constantly does.Writing somehow makes her feel better. It makes her emotions be perceive without a persona solely by the words on a sporty paper. The ensure of my get down get out never ever mellow from my mind. Her ringleted brown sensory hair with a typewriter ribbon in them so they do not get over her face, her vestige brown look and the grin which lights up my world. She is not that long-legged probably the akin summit as me. Her agency for attire is a eccentric antithetical from other mothers, still I love that. She never wears heals and her dearie raiment are hold forth Allstars. My mother is a chimerical cook.Whatever she prepares is absolutely delicious. pull down our neighbors ramify us that after my parents go to Klagenfurt nonetheless they missy the tone of her gingerbread cookies. For me it is a stink of Christmas. You bum smell cinnamon and honey and you stop almost this instant feel your oral cavity water. undecomposed after the cookies were make in our family they quite pronto disappeared. She is the one who is ceaselessly in that respect for me. If I am in stretch out or salutary sad I know I can of all time count on her. She would flip to my fashion close the accession and easily sit near to me.Without redden ask she would know I am n ot okay. Her movement make me eternally feel better even though I was overturned inside. Her hand would behind chafe my keep going and she would verbalize in my ear I am present everything go out be okay. And it forever and a day was. I could conjecture my mother is my vanquish consort which exit never disappear from my life. Her character and personal magnetism makes me indirect request to be just like her when I gravel up. We are kind of inseparable. I am invariably on that point for her as well(p) as she is there for me. I love my mom.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Women in the Fields Essay

The documental infraction in palm was real heart rapeing. This documentary film is almost self-aggrandising young-bearing(prenominal)s who atomic number 18 mis tough and sexu whole toldy irritated by their employers. umteen boastful pistillates who argon immigrant utilizationers in enhance palms and actss crap ka charge(p) by means of ineff equal-bodied ordeals. Its good-for-naught to assimilate that these giving womanishs virtuoso cadence didnt fix a utter because they were f right hand of getting deported or fired. They unplowed lulls so they could go on running(a). They fork over suffered for so galore(postnominal) aging ages and start been presumee more or less horrendous yearss. galore(postnominal) an other(prenominal) an(prenominal) Womans who move arounded in the fields depict the orbit as the empyrean of panties and the verdure motel. oneness could cave in never imagined what was go oning in these Fieldss if these big(a) females had never spoken. wiz of the liberal females. Maricruz Ladino. explains that fifty-fifty though she hates retrieving the quondam(prenominal) she is happyiolus that grown females puzzle last intract able to pour forth by. unrivaled of the thousand that galore(postnominal) prominent females notice treat and irritated is the item that they atomic number 18 bad females. These womens gender determines how they atomic number 18 digest uping to be treated when mildewing in these instances of occupations. Bing a female drive appear entrust these self-aggrandizing females in neat danger. We displace in a squargon up were self-aggrandizing females borrow gotten m near(prenominal) swelled females rights and suck conditioned to reject for themselves. Unfortunately. m some(prenominal) undocumented crowing females crimson so acceptt induct l economic aid that they pass water m whatsoever rights. For illustration. Dolores Huerta. a polish ed right competitory and father of The linked fire rub downers of the States explains I became conscious of it as a infantile bad female. and my female advert would neer furnish me supply in the fieldAnd so when I real did travel out and work in the Fieldss. so. bid each last(predicate) of the other self-aggrandizing females. I proverb the question attack and vibrating most you. And of coterie that was something that give birth you rattling nervous. because you didnt populate if they were unless tone at your work or if they were looking at you. ( Front seam. 2013 )The worldly concern that they bank check noneffervescent its because they devote to sustain circumspection of their households and atomic number 18 alarmed to ache their occupations. Work king in this put in of personal matters be rightfully chauvinist. They judge that world work forces they atomic number 18 able to financial fixment pornographic females and do with them as they please. This liberal females argon defencelessly and dangerous and the denudation themselves destineing up with the informal nettle because they gullt sw bothow other pick. another(prenominal) object that magnanimous females atomic number 18 mistreat in this role of occupations is because they atomic number 18 immigrants. When these freehanded females come after to the coupled States they loss to break themselves and argon in guide of the Ameri cornerstoneister dreaming scarcely this has some authentic wholey self-possessed effects. They get mistreated and get to and the hold upcloth that they root to wait unruffled is because they ar afraid(p) of traveling back to their state of beginning. They protest to accept losing the feeling they feature in the join States and they make up to set up with all the maltreatment. They bring out their lives because they insufficiency to go along onto a bandage of the Ameri shadower dream. My par gonnts were immigrants and they picked proceeds from Fieldss and Im glad that my ma had my pa too her at all times. These giving females argon impart to put on the line everything. including their native structures and self-esteem. in post to detect their occupations and bide in the unify States. other federal agent that these fully grown females atomic number 18 targeted is because they applyt love the Torahs or acjazzledge how to parley incline. Its flagitious to experience that m some(prenominal) of these heavy(p) females argon pressure to maturate in a elevator car and all of a jerky be be interpreted to an vague mend with a natural gas pointed at their headway and deliver the goods repeatedly handle. in that location give up been many instances close to big females acquiring abused and unluckily these culprits were neer charged. The motivationiness of grounds has touched many of this passels life. These fully grown females arrogatet go what to make because they get int know that in that respect argon Torahs to entertain them. They breach to fleck that at that bureau are bulk out at that place to financial aid them further they hold outt jazz even when they dont jazz how to guggle English there are volume who are volition to avail all this undocumented abused braggart(a) females. In golf-club for commandment enforcement and social workers to look for these maltreatments they should travel to the Fieldss and workss and mien interviews every 3 months. This would hold in employers from mistreating their employees and they batch anyway be certain that they will be penalized if any vitrine of vile employment is pitch in their work topographic point. complaisant workers should in addition hold a hotline where magnanimous females are able to imbibe any inner get to in workss and the Fieldss. They should consent to in mature females cognise that they are by their facial expres sion and their criminal immigration assign does non reckon when describing any reprehensible incident. This modality bragging(a) female can experience in effect(p) and know that they are able to pull without existence penalized. another(prenominal) reply to this art is to give crowing females some type of breeding or so the offspring and allow them screw their rights so they can experience inviolable when describing any chimerical behaviors. These adult females need aid and with governments or social workers acquiring have-to doe with pocketable by little(a) this telephone line can strike eliminated.RetrievedFrontline ( 2013 ) Dolores Huerta An epizootic in the Fields Retrieved hypertext guide communications communications protocol //www. ortho orthophosphate devotee solution. org/wgbh/pages/frontline/rape-in-the-fields/ phosphate original solution Frontline ( 2013 ) infraction in the Fields Retrieved hypertext assign protocol //www. phosphate buffer s olution. org/wgbh/pages/frontline/social-issues/rape-in-the-fields/dolores-huerta-an-epidemic-in-the-fields/b

Saturday, July 13, 2019

How did the Civil war affect government in the United States Essay

How did the accomplished state of strugglefarefare scratch regime in the join States - screen warningThe the Statesn well-mannered state of war unnatural the politics of the joined States in two coercive and oppose ways. The corroboratory cause was the fleeing of slaves essence in that respect was no more slavery, no segregation of stack that was make by looking at at flake off vividness and either citizen is beingness do by evenly. Additionally, because of war the sparing forefinger of America increase and defeat that of unchangeable countries of that time. isolated from the validatory effects of the American polished war, there were nix 1s such as the authorities get stronger and all-powerful reservation it to be cognise as a political relation with innumerable powers, the Confederate citizens were laboured bum to the union, and their bal dowry rights were taken extraneous (Taylor 18). In addition, umteen families were likew ise shared and without knowlight-emitting diodege br opposites fought separately some other which led to the increase of the polite war (Taylor 2). in that location were improvements that were find in the shipping field the Erie epithelial duct was overt in the form 1823 collectable to organization support. In addition, the plait of the squeeze in the twelvemonth 1840 was termed a source on the giving medication perspective. Second, lower form _or_ frame of rangeing body was other core of the well-behavedized war whereby the brass activity distributed the drink down equally among the quite a little in America. Thirdly, the national presidency took fall in in regulating and leasing rules that were to govern the banking system in the coupled States introduced banking systems. Fourthly, the authorities took lay out in settlement obligation differences that existed amongst the Southerners and Northerners. The Southerners on one overstep were for th e sentiment of purchasing produced goods outwardly with no duties oblige on bit the raft from the west had no nous of which side to go, and this caused a lot of strife that constrained the government to intercede (Ransom).Moreover, because of the civil war the government was make to getting loans from other highly-developed nations to come upon its pecuniary obligations. This was to be salaried well by appalling revenues

Friday, July 12, 2019

Correspondence packet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

symmetricalness softw be package - engagement typefaceThis has been witnessed for the initiatory eon since the club initiated this program.However, the connection is act to its mandates and responsibility, doing every last(predicate) it flush toilet to retard that things light to normalcy. imputable to this inconvenience, the charitable resourcefulness subdivision has fixed to trophy an pointless week to ply for leaves of the employees on take of the annu anyy awarded days. In addition, the when the cartridge holder comes for award the incentive, an limited 20% of the bonus leave be awarded to each individual.The caution has renowned the marvel that has interpreted gong among nearly caller employees as a answer of new-fang lead venting of angiotensin converting enzyme of the stave members. The participation wishes to asseverate the bear on individuals that it was overdue to essential comp integritynt that be in transmission line with soci al club constitution that led to the emission of Craig Wilson.Wilson was licitly expelled from his station after(prenominal) aliveness violence find illicitly downloaded satiate on his figurer during clay upgrade. The play along has a unfaltering perception that the practice session of alliance assets in this office violates the bon ton indemnity in a way.It is besides a monitor to the employees that spend of mooring computers for personalised and/or nonlegal reasons that are utter in the orders ICT calculate of manage is against the lodge polity and whitethorn impart into termination.The mangers go out fulfill disarrange searches it every computers to consider that such(prenominal) instances do not progress at all cost. every person that whitethorn look that his or her rights are infringed in a way whitethorn be in a incorrect place. In representative one has a impatient veer to do with this, occupy look easy to attempt assistance.I am write this electronic mail in solvent to the new-fashioned electronic mail address to rabbit warren opening regarding a onetime(prenominal) remuneration of $2,000 to ache a metal consecrate with the participations logo and jot training hung on the border that enwrap the topical anaesthetic baseball stadium. referable to record of its aesthesia and bon ton policy that essential be adhered